
KnowledgeCamp 2017 – Digitalisation and Knowledge Work

Deutsch Deutsch

Campus of the FHP – UAS (Usage rights: FH Potsdam)

The 8th KnowledgeCamp, organized by the Gesellschaft fuer Wissensmanagement e. V. (Society of Knowledge Management) will take place at the Fachhochschule Potsdam - University of Applied Sciences in cooperation with the Faculty of Information Sciences (Patron: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Heisig, Professor for Information and Knowledge Management).

When: Thursday, Sept 14 2017, 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM and Friday, Sept 15 2017, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Where: Fachhochschule Potsdam - University of Applied Sciences, Kiepenheuerallee 5, 14469 Potsdam, Germany (Display in Google Maps)

This year's leading theme “Digitalisation and Knowledge Work” questions the relevance of knowledge management in the digital age. In a working environment that is shaped by digital transformation the percentage of knowledge work has increased continuously. At the same time enhanced information and communication technologies have initiated changes with new developments such as industry 4.0, big data, machine learning, etc., which aftermath extend far into the personal organisation of work.

Digitalisation and Knowledge Work – What the Digital Workplace and Knowledge Management can learn from each other

The leading theme thereby focuses on topics which concern individual knowledge workers, whether as private individuals, solopreneurs or as employees in companies and organisations such as personal information and knowledge management. How can insights from knowledge management and information sciences be utilized for the digital workplace? What can professionals learn from each other coming from such different approaches as information and knowledge management, digital workplace or learning & development.

Target group and format: Entrepreneurs and employees, knowledge managers, organisation & human resources development, corporate learning professionals, digital workplace & collaboration, experts and beginners - all can actively participate due to the barcamp format.

Prof. Eric Tsui, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Prof. Eric Tsui
Dr. Peter Geißler, Communardo GmbH
Dr. Peter Geißler

There will be keynotes on the focus topic in addition to the barcamp part. On the evening of day 1: GfWM Horizon SpeechManaging Knowledge in the Age of Digitalisation”, by Prof. Eric Tsui, Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. (livestream at https://youtu.be/L_ZHq2EiMIM). Day 2 will start with the keynote “Digital Workplace Starts With Your Mind” [in German], by Dr. Peter Geissler, Head of Digital Workplace, Communardo Software GmbH, Dresden, Germany).

The event will be held in German and English. Sessions can be held in German or English, depending on session owner. Tickets for the KnowledgeCamp 2017 can be obtained via XING Events (no XING account necessary).


Day 1, Sept 14 2017

09:00 am - 09:30 am      Arrival & Registration (Foyer, Building D)
09:30 am - 09:35 am      Opening (Auditorium, Building D)
09:35 am - 09:55 am      Welcome by Prof. Dr.-Ing Heisig (Auditorium, Building D), 
                                          Introduction: “Digitalisation and Knowledge Work” [in German]
09:55 am - 11:10 am      Introduction Round, Session Planning Day 1
11:15 am - 12:00 pm      Session 1 (Building 3)
12:15 pm - 01:00 pm      Session 2 (Building 3)
01:00 pm - 02:15 pm      Lunch Break (FHP – UAS Mensa)
02:15 pm - 03:00 pm      Session 3 (Building 3)
03:15 pm - 04:00 pm      Session 4 (Building 3)
04:00 pm - 04:30 pm      Coffee Break (Foyer, Building 3)
04:30 pm - 05:15 pm      Session 5 (Building 3)
05:30 pm - 06:15 pm      Session 6 (Building 3)
06:30 pm - 08:00 pm      Horizon Speach with Prof. Eric Tsui (Auditorium, Building D): 
                                           “Managing Knowledge in the Age of Digitalisation”
08:00 pm - 10:00 pm      BBQ & Networking (FHP – UAS Mensa)

Day 2, Sept 15 2017

08.30 am - 09:15 am      Arrival & Registration (Foyer, Building D)
09:15 am - 09:30 am      Welcome (Auditorium, Building D)
09:30 am - 10:30 am      Keynote by Dr. Peter Geißler (Auditorium, Building D): 
                                           “Digital Workplace Starts With Your Mind” [in German]
10:30 am - 11:10 am      Session Planning Day 2
11:15 am - 12:00 pm      Session 1 (Building 3)
12:15 pm - 01:00 pm      Session 2 (Building 3)
01:00 pm - 02:00 pm      Lunch Break (FHP – UAS Mensa)
02:00 pm - 02:45 pm      Session 3 (Building 3)
03:00 pm - 03:45 pm      Session 4 (Building 3)
04:00 pm - 04:30 pm      Closure & Feedback (3/108, 1st floor, Building 3)

Getting there using public transport

From Hauptbahnhof Potsdam (Potsdam main station): Tram 92 and 96 in direction “Kirschallee” or “Viereckremise” to station “Campus Fachhochschule” – duration approx. 12 minutes.

KnowledgeCamp 2017 on Campus Fachhochschule

The KnowledgeCamp 2017 starts on Sept 14 at 9:30 AM with opening, welcome, session planning resp. on Sept 15 at 9:15 AM in Building D (marked red). The GfWM Horizon Speech also takes place on day 1 in Building D at 6:30 PM.

All sessions will take place im Building 3 (marked yellow) of the Faculty of Information Sciences. For lunch break we will meet at the Mensa of the FHP – UAS (marked green).



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Fachhochschule Potsdam - University of Applied SciencesGlobal Knowledge Research NetworkBusiness Development | State Capital Potsdam