Designing Collaboration
On October 4, 2018 the Berlin English-language KM and Innovation Meetup was pleased to host Alister Webb and Andrew Pope , who were launching their new book, Designing Collaboration: an essential handbook for today’s digital workplace . Our Meetup has hosted Alister before, but this was the first time we were meeting Andrew. The assembled group does not care about the theories and their thoughts on how to meet the challenges of the digital age. The audience was not disappointed!
Alister and Andrew share their knowledge and shared experiences with each other
From a personal perspective, I am curious to hear about their experience with collaboration in innovation as creativity and innovation ( Stephanie Barnes ) on focus on these days. And so, I am looking forward to reading more details in that section of the book!
Thank you, Alister and Andrew for visiting us in Berlin, we look forward to seeing you again in the future.
Pictures are thanks to Alister Webb and Andreas Matern.